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Monday, February 28, 2011

We care about your business

New week this week and we have something to share with you a sneak peak of a new product we have secured from the US....ONE WIFI.... 

We are really excited about this product we have great support, please email us if you have any enquiries

It blew us away when we saw it, it offers so much and is an amazing marketing tool which we all need in our businesses..  It is an all in one package, building brand awareness, fully manageable no more pressure on your IT department, builds your database, enhance social media marketing, 24/7 support plus more....

Some recent news on one wifi:

I had a chat to a work colleague Franziska Iseli-Hall from Basic Bananas Entrepeneur Club, amazing woman in business.  We were talking about customer service and how we Australia really need to improve on this and we were throwing around ideas of courses etc...where we would get the time to do it dont know, it is on the TO DO LIST, but this product from One Wifi will definitely assist in building customer loyalty.  If we do not have the time to train our staff properly in customer service then we need the tools like one wifi to do this. Also, I believe in simple, basic no fuss training videos where people like Basic Bananas talk to you without any confusion.

If you would like to find out more about what Franziska and her company does take a look at this amazing educational marketing video there is more in the series just like/add there page on facebook and you will be updated.  I will be forwarding these onto our EBS contacts on social media..

With One Wifi/ewireless, we work with your marketing to make sure your business  maximises the interaction with your guests when they leave.

ipadMENU update.....
Stay tuned, we have some exciting news.....

Smart Bill folder update.....exciting news here so stay tuned, we still supply this product and find it is invaluable in collecting feedback from the customers and emarketing...Infiniq is launching some pretty amazing stuff, so stay tuned watch this blog.....

Training courses being added reguarly, remember you need to keep your staff trained and upto date with your products....Easy, just contact us and you could be eligible for a $4000 incentive from the government to train your staff....HOW GOOD IS THAT!!!!

A few links that you should look at and subscribe to : - great resource for businesses. - great resource for marketing your business... - the best media company speak to Sarah

We @EBS have a huge network of businesses so if you do not need marketing, social media etc... please contact us and we can refer you to our huge list of people we recommend in many different areas ie. Accountants, web design, car signage you need we have the contacts....

A great place to eat @North Sydney

Also, , this website is fantastic for deals at pubs around Australia, in every state thats right!!! They have gone around Australia to give you the best deals and the best pubs...Take a look you will LOVE IT.....

Dont forget to mention that the team @Enhanced Business Solutions sent you....

All of these companies I personally have dealings with and highly recommend them.


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