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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Improving SERVICE

After travelling extensively over the years, different countries have different service standards, do you think service standards should be the same across the board?

EBS working with you....

To improve service standards at your establishment might we recommend training, this is a good way to keep your staff upto date, and get there brain functioning and remembering why they chose to work at your establishment and remembering those service standards again!!!  email me @ if you wish to find out more about workplace training.  It may not cost you a cent!!

As Hospitality is the main focus in our business, we want to know what YOU like and dislike about dining out.

Do you like the excitment of going somewhere different?
Do you have a specific Restaurant/venue that you like going to? and why?
Do you like it when the menus change? or waitstaff?
Do you think the service changed in the past 10 or so years? and if so why do you think it has?

A few links to help you : - Access Group training - Enhanced Business Solutions

It is all CUSTOMISED training solutions....You can sometimes earn upto $4000.00 per eligible employee, however we think getting your employees to upskill will keep your customers happy, your employee happy and you the employer very happy as  you have kept 2 of your most valuable part of your business, your worker and your customer....

I really wanted to focus on getting our industries back on there feet by improving the service standards.  I attend many networking events and service always comes up, we are lacking it we need to pull our socks up and start looking after our customers and our employees.

If I had the resources I would provide a training seminar on service, just service..maybe that is food for thought for me.  I have many projects going so maybe this one can be added, let me know if you would be interested would love to hear your thoughts.

So, we have a few exercises to do in this blog:
1. answer the dining out questions, just post them here..
2. training email me your interest....
3. adding service to my many things would you be interested in it?
4. Would you like to receive a daily/weekly/or twice weekly blog, let me know...just post here...

Hope you all had a great weekend and looking forward to hearing from you soon....

Yours in business


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