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Monday, December 26, 2011

Feature in NSW Business Chamber Newsletter

MEMBER TIPS Enhanced Business Solutions The business joined NSW Business Chamber in 2011. Enhanced Business Solutions offers businesses fully funded workplace training. Enhanced Business Solutions can come to your workplace and train and upskill your staff. This Government funded workplace staff training attracts up to $4,000 per eligible employee. More information. Enhanced Business solutions recommend that you consider these two points before commencing a training session: Make sure the problem can be solved by training and development. Prior to scheduling a training session always confirm that the training suggested can actually fix the problem. If an employee is failing in some aspect of their job you must determine whether you have provided the employee with the time and tools they need to perform the job effectively; that the employee clearly understand what is expected of him/her; that the employee has the temperament and talent necessary for his/her current position; and whether the job fits the employee's skills, abilities and interests. Create a context for your training and development. Prior to any training, provide information to employees about why they require new skills. Make certain the employee understands the link between the training and their job role. Your training will be even more successful if you can show the participants the link between the training and their ability to contribute to the organisation's business plan and goals. This contextualisation will allow the employees to take ownership of the training.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011



Has anyone been to a networking event and thought WHY AM I HERE, if you think that thats okay...Just dont throw away the contacts or the peoples details that you have met. 

Emily Baxter from gave a talk last year, and she said (not the exact words) NEVER lose those peoples details that you have just met, you may cross paths in the future, could be years, months etc...and they will be of great benefit...

Now that night was forgotten until, I spoke to a lady last night on Skype and we were trying to work out how we met, now this lady is in South Africa and I am Sydney??? We worked out that we both attended this event that Emily spoke at and we both remembered parts of her talk which were the most important..AND brought us together to do business....thanks Emily....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Enhanced Business Solutions: NEW AND IMPROVE SMART BILL FOLDER

Enhanced Business Solutions: NEW AND IMPROVE SMART BILL FOLDER: "INIFINIQ has released the NEW and improved Smart Bill Folder, what do you think? NEW VERSION OF SMART BILL FOLDER 2011  Original v..."


INIFINIQ has released the NEW and improved Smart Bill Folder, what do you think?


Original version

These new versions are not on a lease you can buy them outright. More specs and information to follow we just want to know what your thoughts are.  The new version works exactly the same as the old version, but looks alot more upmarket than the older PDA style.

Go to!/EnhancedBusinessSolutions and let us know what you  think and whilst you are there why not LIKE our page....

What is the Smart Bill Folder:???
The Smart Bill Folder is designed to collect instant feedback from your customers, whether it be in a Restaurant, Cafe, Retail shop, hotel checkin/checkout.  You the owner can view cleanliness, staff service, comments left by customers IMMEDIATELY without waiting for a third party to download all your information.  The system downloads immediately and showing statistics and demographics. Importantly, sending thank you and coupons all built in the one system!!

1. Capture Feedback from Patrons
2. Upload feedback via Beambox to your PC
3. Access online reports or receive reports via email

Fantastic tool for emarketing, and building your database.

Ask us for a look and demonstration of the new model today....

These new bill folders will be available immediately to send your enquiries or interest.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Enhanced Business Solutions: EWIRELESS IS HERE AT EBS....HOW EXCITING

Enhanced Business Solutions: EWIRELESS IS HERE AT EBS....HOW EXCITING: "New at EBS is, WHY USE EWIRELESS???? Using Wireless, makes your company more valuable and m..."


New at EBS is,


Using Wireless, makes your company more valuable and more competitive. 

Helping Our Customers Maintain a Competitive Edge

Perfect tool to help your business succeed. eWireless services are easily incorporated into your business model with marketing strategies that are customized to meet your specific needs.

We offer many types of managed Wi-Fi services and will adapt them to help increase your bottom line by…

  •        Increasing Visibility
  •        Building Awareness
  •        Connecting the Visitor
  •        Offering Access to Information
  •        Drawing Visitors to a Location/Area
  •        Enhancing Customer/Visitor Experience
  •        Stimulating Business & Growth
  •        Building Customer/Visitor Data Base

take a look at this video...

If you would like more information please email us @

Monday, February 28, 2011

We care about your business

New week this week and we have something to share with you a sneak peak of a new product we have secured from the US....ONE WIFI.... 

We are really excited about this product we have great support, please email us if you have any enquiries

It blew us away when we saw it, it offers so much and is an amazing marketing tool which we all need in our businesses..  It is an all in one package, building brand awareness, fully manageable no more pressure on your IT department, builds your database, enhance social media marketing, 24/7 support plus more....

Some recent news on one wifi:

I had a chat to a work colleague Franziska Iseli-Hall from Basic Bananas Entrepeneur Club, amazing woman in business.  We were talking about customer service and how we Australia really need to improve on this and we were throwing around ideas of courses etc...where we would get the time to do it dont know, it is on the TO DO LIST, but this product from One Wifi will definitely assist in building customer loyalty.  If we do not have the time to train our staff properly in customer service then we need the tools like one wifi to do this. Also, I believe in simple, basic no fuss training videos where people like Basic Bananas talk to you without any confusion.

If you would like to find out more about what Franziska and her company does take a look at this amazing educational marketing video there is more in the series just like/add there page on facebook and you will be updated.  I will be forwarding these onto our EBS contacts on social media..

With One Wifi/ewireless, we work with your marketing to make sure your business  maximises the interaction with your guests when they leave.

ipadMENU update.....
Stay tuned, we have some exciting news.....

Smart Bill folder update.....exciting news here so stay tuned, we still supply this product and find it is invaluable in collecting feedback from the customers and emarketing...Infiniq is launching some pretty amazing stuff, so stay tuned watch this blog.....

Training courses being added reguarly, remember you need to keep your staff trained and upto date with your products....Easy, just contact us and you could be eligible for a $4000 incentive from the government to train your staff....HOW GOOD IS THAT!!!!

A few links that you should look at and subscribe to : - great resource for businesses. - great resource for marketing your business... - the best media company speak to Sarah

We @EBS have a huge network of businesses so if you do not need marketing, social media etc... please contact us and we can refer you to our huge list of people we recommend in many different areas ie. Accountants, web design, car signage you need we have the contacts....

A great place to eat @North Sydney

Also, , this website is fantastic for deals at pubs around Australia, in every state thats right!!! They have gone around Australia to give you the best deals and the best pubs...Take a look you will LOVE IT.....

Dont forget to mention that the team @Enhanced Business Solutions sent you....

All of these companies I personally have dealings with and highly recommend them.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Improving SERVICE

After travelling extensively over the years, different countries have different service standards, do you think service standards should be the same across the board?

EBS working with you....

To improve service standards at your establishment might we recommend training, this is a good way to keep your staff upto date, and get there brain functioning and remembering why they chose to work at your establishment and remembering those service standards again!!!  email me @ if you wish to find out more about workplace training.  It may not cost you a cent!!

As Hospitality is the main focus in our business, we want to know what YOU like and dislike about dining out.

Do you like the excitment of going somewhere different?
Do you have a specific Restaurant/venue that you like going to? and why?
Do you like it when the menus change? or waitstaff?
Do you think the service changed in the past 10 or so years? and if so why do you think it has?

A few links to help you : - Access Group training - Enhanced Business Solutions

It is all CUSTOMISED training solutions....You can sometimes earn upto $4000.00 per eligible employee, however we think getting your employees to upskill will keep your customers happy, your employee happy and you the employer very happy as  you have kept 2 of your most valuable part of your business, your worker and your customer....

I really wanted to focus on getting our industries back on there feet by improving the service standards.  I attend many networking events and service always comes up, we are lacking it we need to pull our socks up and start looking after our customers and our employees.

If I had the resources I would provide a training seminar on service, just service..maybe that is food for thought for me.  I have many projects going so maybe this one can be added, let me know if you would be interested would love to hear your thoughts.

So, we have a few exercises to do in this blog:
1. answer the dining out questions, just post them here..
2. training email me your interest....
3. adding service to my many things would you be interested in it?
4. Would you like to receive a daily/weekly/or twice weekly blog, let me know...just post here...

Hope you all had a great weekend and looking forward to hearing from you soon....

Yours in business


Monday, January 31, 2011

Enhanced Business Solutions: How to work in this ever changing climate

Enhanced Business Solutions: How to work in this ever changing climate: "This week I thought I would talk briefly about an article I read...and sure we can all relate to it. Procrastination may be an indication t..."

How to work in this ever changing climate

This week I thought I would talk briefly about an article I read...and sure we can all relate to it.

Procrastination may be an indication that you don’t really know where you’re going in the grander scheme of things, and how today’s tasks will help you get there. - Flying Solo..

You may all find it hard to work, either it be weather, relationships, health, and many other distractions.  I have been reading - it so sums up the way half of us feel on and off through the week.  We have so many deadlines, so many social media things to do we either cant afford to delegate or would prefer doing it ourselves knowing it will eventually get done.

We can beat ourselves up over it or we can just GO WITH THE FLOW and seriously work out a better solution...

We all struggle with procrastination, work out solutions sooner rather than later.

I am feeling it a bit today only because in Sydney it is awefully hot, and with no airconditioning concentration wanders....But a beach swim this afternoon is what is keeping me going..

With Enhanced Business Solutions we are currently getting into some juicy products, the update on ipadMENU is version2 is on its way.....We are also working with a US company for ANOTHER product, YES very exciting please stay tuned and signup to our newsletters to be the first to know...Should be announced in the next few weeks.

We @EBS never sit and wait for things to happen, we are go getters we LOVE networking and helping other companies get referrals. 

In business we not only need to think about US, we need to think about who we deal with and how can we help them....we are all in it together

Would love to hear your feedback please comment and dont forget to signup....remember facebook, twitter, Linkedin you can find us....

Some useful links for Hospitality :
For business;

Bye for now...

Yours in business,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Enhanced Business Solutions: A Can Do Attitude in business

Enhanced Business Solutions: A Can Do Attitude in business: "The New Year is upon us and we have started to plan our next goals for the year, if you havnt already done so, get a move on time is running..."

A Can Do Attitude in business

The New Year is upon us and we have started to plan our next goals for the year, if you havnt already done so, get a move on time is running out to make a firm path for 2011...

I have just sat down for the first time since ending 2010, to work on website, computer, twitter, blogging, facebook etc this I love, I crave for time to do this as the internet is an AMAZING tool in your business.

I found this today, by adding a new email marketing tool to our business facebook page, wow it took quite awhile and a number of times felt like giving up, but by persisting and constantly referring to the help pages provided by the marketing company it FINALLY worked out and I did it all on my own.  Tried to contact people who are experts in this field but thought New Year new me...sorry  who is an amazing help when coming to this sort of thing, I think they made me perserver when the going got tough.  I thought well if they can do it so can I.

Alot of us need to have that in business, a CAN DO attitude, we must try and do it ourselves yes we will make mistakes but we can always rectify them, (thats when we call on the experts)....

In my next blog, I will talk about service and why it has dropped dramatically.  The next time you see a sales person who is grumpy or doest not smile or even says thank you have a nice day, smile back and remind them that YOU are the customer and TELL them to have a nice day (nicely though we need to spread the smiles around in the service industry cause it is sooooo lacking)...

Enjoy planning for 2011 and looking forward to hearing from you all out there....