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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Enhanced Business Solutions: How to change directions in your career and naviga...

Enhanced Business Solutions: How to change directions in your career and naviga...: How to change directions in your career and navigate these: I found the following article really interesting, we are all scared, afraid ...

How to change directions in your career and navigate these:

I found the following article really interesting, we are all scared, afraid of taking that big step of change.  Going into unknown territory scares us.  I know this first hand, my career was corporate travel consultant.  Booking travel for top execs of Macquarie Bank and working for Ansett for over 20 years.  This is where I would retire and work from 7am to 7pm, it was all planned out.  Until I met my husband and we decided to have a change in career.  He over 20 years managing and GM for many restaurants.
For the past 10 plus years we have been running our own business Enhanced Business Solutions.  We are now work place trainers providing on the job training in the workplace.  Wow what a change for me and for my husband, we were so passionate about making a difference in the industries of hospitality, retail and business by providing training to improve customer service.
We also source other products to compliment our business ie. Mystery shopper, touchscreen surveys etc..
We had no degree in running a business, but we had the passion and drive to make it successful.  Learning and pushing through your mistakes and your mountains makes you stronger.
I recently read something by Sharon Price John CEO of  "Build-A-Bear",
Please take  a read:
 In brief Sharon Price John had three things to keep in mind when making a career decision:
1. Be courageous and take calculated risks–sometimes a risk in the short term can lead to accelerated growth in the long term.
2. Understand how your skills are transferrable across industries and look to develop skills that are broadly applicable.
3. Take charge of your career and be willing to reinvent yourself throughout it.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


We all experience some sort of customer service everyday, whether it is buying your coffee from your local coffee shop, groceries, eating out, getting petrol etc the list could go on.  How do you feel when you leave these places? GREAT! OKAY! NO IMPACT AT ALL! ... It is really sad that most of us experience the last one and this needs to change.  Your coffee man 99% of the time has the BEST customer service experience.  Why? he says "Morning Mary, skim latte 2 sugars coming up" how do you feel? You feel something right?
At the end of this coffee purchasing experience you walk out and he says "thanks Mary have a great day" how do you feel? Once again you feel something...That is what customer service is all about, ensuring the customer has a feel good experience. How hard was it to make you feel? 
Customer service is all about making the customers feel..

 "Learn to look after your staff and the rest will follow" Richard Branson

Thursday, October 2, 2014


What is workplace training:

To put it simply it is qualified trainers/assessors going to your workplace and training and upskilling your staff, all whilst working on the job.

Working and learning on the job is the most effective way of teaching.  The trainees are learning new skills and information everyday.  

Alot of companies rely on workplace trainers and assessors, so they can assess, evaluate and develop training programs for staff members.

Whilst the trainees receive a Nationally Recognised Qualification, the employers receive up to $4000 in government funding, all with NO upfront fees.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013



At Enhanced Business Solutions we specialise in Fully funded Workplace Training, in the Hospitality, Retail and Business Industries.  Our trainers are highly experienced our training sessions on the job are meaningful and interactive.

What is Workplace Training? Workplace training is where a qualified trainer comes to your establishment and HELPS your staff learn new skills and improve on old ones.  Up skilling and better equipping them in your business.

ALL learning is done hands on on the job, perfect!!.  Great results all round.

There has been some changes from the Government in regards to the funding,  information on this is below;

New Entrant Trainees – Part time = Incentives $1500 / Fees $476 (per year) – NET TO YOU = $1024
New Entrant Trainees – Full Time = Incentives $4000 / Fees $476 (per year) – NET TO YOU = $3524
Existing workers – Part Time = incentives $1500 / Fees $3000 (pro rata) – NET TO YOU = -$1500
Existing workers – Full Time = incentives $3000 / Fees $3000 (pro rata) – NET TO YOU = $0
Call us today for more information and to start the process.  Start 2013 off with growth in your business, having trained reliable staff who love there job.


“We cannot build our own future without helping others to build theirs.”Motivational Quote by Bill Clinton

CALL US TODAY 1300 436 426 or


Tuesday, January 8, 2013



Well it has been awhile since we last posted, we thought this year is a new year and new beginnings.  We have faith that this year will be great for ALL businesses.
Who found last year a bit of a roller coaster??? Wow we can see all of those hands....
For us the beginning of the year was off to a positive start with a business coach, and the first time we ever had a round table meeting.  We all spoke about where we want to go and our roles...

Then work just STOPPED!! it was like the Prime Minister put up a sign and said no more training enrolments. So we tried a few extra jobs on the side to keep going.  By the end of the year we were all ready for a new beginning.
We are so glad to now be coming out on top and looking back and saying that was a lesson and a tough one.
This year we are visioning new products, more alliances with companies (already have a few on board already!!)..but most of all seeing our dream GROW...

If you do not know anything about training, we have attached a few videos in this blog to give an insight, if you still feel you need more information call us for a no obligation chat and we could even score you some government dollars but definitely will be able to up skill your staff.

We are partnered with +access group training and have been for many years, our partnership has grown and continues to in 2013.

Until the next edition have a great January and look forward to hearing from you soon.

The team at EBS....

Monday, December 26, 2011

Feature in NSW Business Chamber Newsletter

MEMBER TIPS Enhanced Business Solutions The business joined NSW Business Chamber in 2011. Enhanced Business Solutions offers businesses fully funded workplace training. Enhanced Business Solutions can come to your workplace and train and upskill your staff. This Government funded workplace staff training attracts up to $4,000 per eligible employee. More information. Enhanced Business solutions recommend that you consider these two points before commencing a training session: Make sure the problem can be solved by training and development. Prior to scheduling a training session always confirm that the training suggested can actually fix the problem. If an employee is failing in some aspect of their job you must determine whether you have provided the employee with the time and tools they need to perform the job effectively; that the employee clearly understand what is expected of him/her; that the employee has the temperament and talent necessary for his/her current position; and whether the job fits the employee's skills, abilities and interests. Create a context for your training and development. Prior to any training, provide information to employees about why they require new skills. Make certain the employee understands the link between the training and their job role. Your training will be even more successful if you can show the participants the link between the training and their ability to contribute to the organisation's business plan and goals. This contextualisation will allow the employees to take ownership of the training.