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Sunday, April 26, 2015

How to change directions in your career and navigate these:

I found the following article really interesting, we are all scared, afraid of taking that big step of change.  Going into unknown territory scares us.  I know this first hand, my career was corporate travel consultant.  Booking travel for top execs of Macquarie Bank and working for Ansett for over 20 years.  This is where I would retire and work from 7am to 7pm, it was all planned out.  Until I met my husband and we decided to have a change in career.  He over 20 years managing and GM for many restaurants.
For the past 10 plus years we have been running our own business Enhanced Business Solutions.  We are now work place trainers providing on the job training in the workplace.  Wow what a change for me and for my husband, we were so passionate about making a difference in the industries of hospitality, retail and business by providing training to improve customer service.
We also source other products to compliment our business ie. Mystery shopper, touchscreen surveys etc..
We had no degree in running a business, but we had the passion and drive to make it successful.  Learning and pushing through your mistakes and your mountains makes you stronger.
I recently read something by Sharon Price John CEO of  "Build-A-Bear",
Please take  a read:
 In brief Sharon Price John had three things to keep in mind when making a career decision:
1. Be courageous and take calculated risks–sometimes a risk in the short term can lead to accelerated growth in the long term.
2. Understand how your skills are transferrable across industries and look to develop skills that are broadly applicable.
3. Take charge of your career and be willing to reinvent yourself throughout it.

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