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Thursday, October 30, 2014


We all experience some sort of customer service everyday, whether it is buying your coffee from your local coffee shop, groceries, eating out, getting petrol etc the list could go on.  How do you feel when you leave these places? GREAT! OKAY! NO IMPACT AT ALL! ... It is really sad that most of us experience the last one and this needs to change.  Your coffee man 99% of the time has the BEST customer service experience.  Why? he says "Morning Mary, skim latte 2 sugars coming up" how do you feel? You feel something right?
At the end of this coffee purchasing experience you walk out and he says "thanks Mary have a great day" how do you feel? Once again you feel something...That is what customer service is all about, ensuring the customer has a feel good experience. How hard was it to make you feel? 
Customer service is all about making the customers feel..

 "Learn to look after your staff and the rest will follow" Richard Branson

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